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Business English - Bad connection I think you are breaking up. Could you call me back?연결 상태가 좋지 않은 것 같아요. 다시 전화해주실 수 있을까요? static : 잡음I can still hear a lot of static : 아직도 잡음이 많이 들려요 reception : 수신상태Could you go somewhere you can get better reception?수신상태가 더 좋은 곳으로 가실 수 있을까요?  hang up : 전화를 끊다hang on : 기다리다 cut off : 끊기다if we get cut off mid-conversation, I'll just call you back : 통화 도중에 전화가 끊기면 그냥 다시 걸게요 under the wi-fi connec..
Business English - Unavailable to talk Would it be okay if ~ ?Would it be okay if I texted you instead : 대신 문자로 드려도 괜찮을까요 Do you mind if I ~ ?Do you mind if I call you back later?  I'm a bit busy (rehearsing for a presentation ) at the moment : 지금은 ~하느라 좀 바빠요 I'm in the middle of ~ : ~하는 중입니다.  you've got your hands full : 바쁘시군요I get the picture : 이해합니다. before the day is out : 오늘이 가기 전에 check in with : ~와 진행상황등을 논의하다I wanted to chec..
Business English - Answering a call is on the line : ~가 전화를 했다 Mr. Lee from ABC company is on the line : abc사의 mr lee가 전하ㅘ했습니다 michelle freeman speaking michelle freeman이 전화받았습니다 I'm afraid (someone) can't come to the phone right now 죄송하지만 ~씨는 지금 통화할 수 없습니다 I'm up to my neck in an unexpected personnel situation at the moment : 지금 너무 바빠요 up to my neck : 업무가 과한 it's urgent business : 급한 용무입니다 our ceo is stepping down step down : 사퇴하..
Business English 5 - Putting someone through Would you like me to put you through? put somone through : ~를 통화로 연결해주다 I'm connecting you to~ : 지금 ㅇㅇ로 연결해드리겠습니다 I'm connecting you to the HR department the line is busy : 통화중입니다. put ~ on hold : ~를 통화대기 시키다 Do you mind if I put you on hold I am running late for a meeting running late : 예정 시간보다 늦은 on the phone with ~ : ~와 통화중인 She must be on the phone with someon else put ~ on loudspeaker/speak..
Business English 2 - Phone Call : Quick talk Do you have a minute to talk about ~? I just need to quickly talk to you about ~ I don't have much time to talk because ~ What is on your mind? : 무슨일 있나요? -> 개인적으로 걱정되어서 하는 그런 뉘앙스아니더라도 어쩐일로?뭐이런..느낌으로..가능 (on one's mind :신경쓰이는) I havent' got a clue as to how long that will take not have a clue :전혀모르다 / as to : ~에 관하여 you try to put out the fire at work put out a fire :급한 문제를 해결하다 I'm always press..
A Wrinkle in Time frenzy frenzied : (형용사) very excited or upset EX) The frenzied crowd rushed to his house 사람들은 살기등등해서 그의 집으로 몰려갔다. She was murdered in a frenzied knife attack 그녀는 미친 듯이 휘두른 칼에 살해당했다. 부사 : frenziedly lash : 명사 lashing 현재분사 EX) The rain lashed at the windows : 비가 창문에 휘몰아쳤다. scud : 동사(literary) to move or go quickly frantic : 형용사 feeling or showing a lot of fear and worry having a lot of wild and hu..
[Kotlin] instance 순회, 변수를 통해 value접근 data class로 instance객체를 생성한 뒤 property (field) name을 순회하는 방법 for(prop in Class명::class.memberProperties) { println("${prop.name} : ${prop.get(해당클래스로만든 instance)"); } 근데 이렇게하면.. 왜인지 field들이 abc순서대로 정렬되어 출력된다 Class명::class.primaryConstructor?.parameter?.forEach{ println("${it.name} : ${it.type}") val property:String = it.name.toString() println(instance.javaClass.kotlin.memberProperties.first{it.n..
List<json형식> 을 json<list<json>>형식으로 JobDto 라는 이런 형식의 json이 있다. { "jobId": 0, "title": "string", "detail": "string", "monthlySalary": 0, "creditLimit": 0, "modifyCredit": true, "withdrawClass": true, "withdrawStudent": true } 하지만 이를 한번에 여러개 전달해야하는 경우가 있었고 난 단순하게 List 로 return하였다 List 이런식으로 [ { "jobId": 1, "title": "master", "detail": "", "monthlySalary": 0, "creditLimit": 0, "modifyCredit": false, "withdrawClass": false, "withdrawS..
