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Business English 5 - Putting someone through




Would you like me to put you through? 

put somone through : ~를 통화로 연결해주다


I'm connecting you to~ : 지금 ㅇㅇ로 연결해드리겠습니다 

I'm connecting you to the HR department


the line is busy : 통화중입니다.


put ~ on hold : ~를 통화대기 시키다

Do you mind if I put you on hold 


I am running late for a meeting 

running late : 예정 시간보다 늦은


on the phone with ~ : ~와 통화중인 

She must be on the phone with someon else



put ~ on loudspeaker/speakerphoen/speaker : ~와 스피커 폰으로 통화하다

I'm going to put you on loudspeaker so everyone can here you



on mute : 음소거 중인


lag :렉 

There seems to be a lag :렉걸리는 거 같음






