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카테고리 없음

Business English - Answering a call



is on the line : ~가 전화를 했다

Mr. Lee from ABC company is on the line : abc사의 mr lee가 전하ㅘ했습니다 


michelle freeman speaking 

michelle freeman이 전화받았습니다


I'm afraid (someone) can't come to the phone right now 

죄송하지만 ~씨는 지금 통화할 수 없습니다 


I'm up to my neck in an unexpected personnel situation at the moment : 지금 너무 바빠요

up to my neck : 업무가 과한 


it's urgent business : 급한 용무입니다


our ceo is stepping down 

step down : 사퇴하다


you're not pulling my leg, are you? 농담아니시죠? 장난아니시죠?

pull one's leg : ~에게 장난을 치다


휴가에 관련된 단어 


personal time off / personal leave / paid time off (PTO) 

(유급/개인) 휴가


furlough : 무급휴직


leave of absence : 휴직 

I took a leave of absence following the birth of my child


sick leave : 병가

Michael was on sick leave for 7 months following his skiing accident


sabbatical : 안식년



